La inteligencia artificial generativa ha surgido como un campo fascinante que redefine nuestra interacción con la tecnología. En este evento, abordaremos los fundamentos, el estado actual y las perspectivas futuras de la IA Generativa, destacando sus notables capacidades a través de casos de éxito significativos.
Train the Trainer course that will introduce EDIHs and their representatives to the FIWARE Foundation, which provides a suite of open-source tools for Smart City and Smart Verticals data management.
Over 200 cities, regions and public entities have already integrated these tools into their Public Service smart management systems; thus, a working knowledge of the NGSI API implemented by FIWARE is a critical skill for those technicians hoping to work in the Smart City industry, either as part of a public entity integrating these technologies or as a worker at a company providing said integration.
The course will showcase the usage of FIWARE tools in Smart City systems, using the Badajoz Smart Province use-case as an example.